Black lightning is a fast-rising Kodi Addon by cMaN. It is a backup and fork of the superb Shadow add-on. The addon is located under the Narcacist’s Wizard Repository. For it to function well, you’ll need to connect a Debrid account. . After installing the addon, you’ll see the following categories :
Recently Added
Movies by Year
Movies Alphabetically
Movie Boxsets
Movie Genres
Kids Movies
How to install 4K Add-on for Kodi 17 Krypton or 18 Leia
Fist Download and install the latest Kodi 18 Leia and then make sure you turn on the “Unknown Source.” To do that, you go to System >Addon>Unknown Source.
Now navigate back to File Manager > Add Source > None
Type the following Address EXACTLY as seen. Make sure you leave no and select Done.
Now enter a name for this media Source. E.g. NARCACIST and then click OK
Go back to your Kodi home screen.
Once you are on the Home screen, Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser (the gear icon located in the top left corner)
Here, select Install from Zip File > NARCACIST > and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
Now Select Install from Repository > Narcacist’s Wizard Repository> Video Add-ons >Black Lightning >Install
Wait for the Add-on Installation notification to popup. Once you get the notification, you are now done. From here, you can go ahead to enjoy the new add-on.