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HomeHow tosHow To Make Your Own WhatsApp Photo Sticker For Free (Android)

How To Make Your Own WhatsApp Photo Sticker For Free (Android)

How To Make Your Own WhatsApp Photo Sticke: The new WhatsApp update has come with a lot of great updates and one of these updates is the WhatsApp sticker. Since the release of this new update, the WhatsApp sticker option has been the number one feature that people are interested in. This new feature has been the most trending features of WhatsApp.

People are searching for how to get the feature on their WhatsApp and others are looking for ways to add their own stickers to the sticker pack as some of the default stickers are not good.

If you are here, I’m guessing you are one of those who want to add their own stickers to the WhatsApp Sticker pack. If my guess is right, then let me tell you that you’re at the right place because in this article I’m going to show you how to get the WhatsApp sticker option on your WhatsApp and also how to add your own sticker pack to the WhatsApp for free.

To get the latest updates on your WhatsApp you first have to update the app from the playstore. Once you update the app you will have to wait for some few minutes before you see the sticker option on the app.

The sticker option can be found under the emoji’s section. Once you tap on the emojis you will see the sticker option as the third tab after the GIF tab.

Now tap on it and then you will see all the stickers’ under that menu. Now you will need to tap on each of the stickers to download. You can also tap on the get more stickers to go to playstore and installed the third-party stickers.

Now That you know how to get the sticker option then let’s look at how to add your own sticker pack to the already existing stickers.

To create your own sticker for WhatsApp, you will need to download two apps. You will need Background eraser and the second one is a personal sticker maker

You can download these two apps from playstore or you can click here to download the personal sticker maker and Here to download background eraser.

Now once you get these two apps installed, what you need to do is to open the background eraser. By then you already have the image you want to create the sticker with.

So once the app is opened, you will see the section that says “Load a Photo” click on it and then selects the image you want to do a sticker off.

Background Eraser

Now the image will be loaded to the background eraser. Here we want to make the image a PNG or transparent format because you can only add a transparent image to the sticker.

So what you need to do after the image is loaded is to tap on the auto tab on the app and then remove all the background from the main picture.

Once you are done with this step then what you need to do is to save and make sure is in PNG format. Repeat this step with two more pictures because you cannot have a sticker pack on WhatsApp with less than three stickers. So you need to use three or more stickers in a pack. Make sure you make three or more pictures background to be transparent.

Now once you get the three pictures with transparent background ready, then what you have to do is to close the background eraser app and then open the personal sticker maker app

Now once the app is opened, the app will auto-scan your phone’s gallery and add all pictures which are of PNG format to its menus.

Now your job is to locate the picture pack you want to add to your WhatsApp sticker pack option. Once you get the picture pack, then you will see an “ADD” button by it. Tap on it and the sticker pack will be added to your WhatsApp sticker option.

Whatsapp personal sticker Maker

Now go back to WhatsApp and open the sticker tab and you should see your newly added sticker pack there. From here you can start to use the sticker just like the default stickers from the WhatsApp developers.

Watch this video to see the visual of all the steps highlighted above.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11QLmVnM2uw[/embedyt]


That’s all friends. This is How You Make Your Own WhatsApp Photo Sticker and also how you can add your own photo sticker to your WhatsApp.  Go through the steps above if you want to add your own photo as a sticker and in case you find any difficulty with any of these steps let us know in the comment. Please If you find this helpful, help us share on facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and all the social platform you may find yourself. Thanks for sharing and see you in this next post.


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