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HomeKodi AddonsList of 50+1 Working Kodi Addons and their Repo Address

List of 50+1 Working Kodi Addons and their Repo Address

Hello and welcome to today’s post. In this simple guide, we are going to list for your the 25 working Kodi addons As of March 2023.

These add-ons were tried and tested, and as of the date of writing this post, all the addons are working as expected. These are add-ons are for movies, tv shows, sports, live Tv Channels, NFL, and Some IPTV content.

The addons repositories are always updated by the providers and should incase you try any of the addons and that seems not to work for you it means: either the addon has been moved to a different repo or the address is changed by the developers.

You can subscribe to our mailing list for further updates on these addons and other working Kodi addons that we will provide on this page.

Installing these addons follows the same steps you always follow when installing any other addon. All you have to do is to make sure the “Unknown Source” is turned ON and you are good to go.

Below are the Lists of addons with their respective repository address.

Taz:   http://octopus246.esy.es/octopus

Red Queen:  http://racooncity.gq/repo

BumbeBee: http://nitronwizard.co.uk/repository

Covenant: https://cy4root2.github.io/zip

Balkan Green: http://blackeye.drycloth.org/repo/kodibalkan

The Mad Titan: http://racooncity.gq/repo    or http://magnetic.website/repo

Trek: http://nitronwizard.co.uk/repository

Bollywood Movies: http://aliunde.esy.es/aliunde

Chain Reaction: http://ezzer-mac.com/repo

Jen of Debrid: http://repo.rubyjewelwizard.com

Marauder:  http://onenation.info/Repo

Arconai TV:  https://tempest0580.github.io

TempTV:  https://tempest0580.github.io

Zeus TV:  http://sokodi.net/repo

Athena:  http://ezzer-mac.com/repo

The Magic Dragon: http://ezzer-mac.com/repo

IT: https://t2k-cloud.co.uk/Repo

Resistance: https://goldengunrepo.githu.io/install/me

Watchdogs: https://goldengunrepo.githu.io/install/me

Movie Theater Butter: http://repo.rubyjewelwizard.com

nole cinema: http://repo.noledynasty.xyz

ELectron: http://luxray.xyz/repo

Exodus Redux: https://i-a-c.github.io

Deahtstar AIO: http://grindhousekodi.tk/repo

Legion Final Absolution: http://luxray.xyz/repo

Chucky 2: https://cy4root.github.io

Cypher Media: http://cyphermedia.org/repo

Luxray Prime: http://luxray.xyz/repo

Bone Crusher Reborn: https://goldengunrepo.githu.io/install/me

FEN: https://tikipeter.github.io

The Crew: https://repo.the-crew.xyz

TechStreams Fork: http://mcteam.tech/repo

NuMb3r5:        http://cellardortv.com/repo

Loki add-on:   http://kodiuk.tv/repo


Kodi is a registered trademark of XBMC, We are not connected to or any other way affiliated with KODI or XBMC. We only provide information and tutorial for educational purposes. We do not host or run any add-ons; we do not provide links for any streaming content.



  1. Yo my brother from another mother from your side of the fence due to Obama’s deportation campaign, greetings from a soldier currently wounded, don’t know for how long, I’ve been here in TJ for 7 plus years! Oh well, It’s no one’s fault but my own. I wanted to give you props for your love and dedication for all you guys do in regards to all things Kodi,thumbs high up, sorry but it’s all I can do due to my circumstances. Hope you value my recognition for your hard hard work, keep it up!!! Gracias amigos!


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