Kodi addons are the best aspects of the Kodi app player. With the Addons installed on Kodi, you can watch Movies, Tv Shows, New Movies, New Episodes, Live TV Channels, and Search for more movies.
There are thousands of Kodi addons out there that you can choose to install. But In this article, we are going to list to you the 20 New and Updated KODI Addons for December 2020.
These add-ons can be installed following the same steps used for installing any other addon. So without wasting any further time, below are the 20 New and Updated KODI Addons for December 2020.
You can scroll to the end of the article to see how to install each of these addons.
20 New and Updated KODI Addons for December 2020
Revolution: https://dejavurepo.github.io
Movies, Tv shows, My Movies, My Tv Shows, New Movies, New Episodes, Channels, Tools and Search
Mad Rabbit: http://thechains24.com/ChainsRepo
Movies, Tv shows, My Movies, My Tv Shows, New Movies, New Episodes, Channels, Tools, Search, TRAKT: Authorize.
Free: https://dejavurepo.github.io
DRG (Real Debrid): https://deangrice07.github.io/dg.github.io/repo
Release BB (RD): https://bugatsinho.github.io/repo
News: Updates, Release BB Movies, Release BB Tv Shows, Release BB Search. Settings Tools and Set View-Types.
Dejavu: https://dejavurepo.github.io
Exodus Redux: https://i-a-c.github.io
Loonatics Unleashed: https://techecoyote.github.io/Install_LooNatics
4K (Real Debrid): http://www.narcacist.com/repo
Xmas Fido: http://fantazyrepo.uk/repo
MeTV: http://ezzer-mac.com/repo
Sports HD: https://bugatsinho.github.io/repo
Asgard: http://www.narcacist.com/repo
Chains Sinister (RD): https://team-crew.github.io
Tempest: https://tempest0580.github.io
The Crew: https://team-crew.github.io
Numbers: https://cellardoortv.com/repo
How to Install any of the Above listed Addons
- Before installing any addon, you need to make sure you turn on the “Unknown Source”. To do that, you go to System>Addon>Unknown Source.
- Now navigate back to File Manager > Add Source > None
- Type any of the Addresses listed above EXACTLY as seen. Make sure you leave no space
- E.g “Exodus Redux” – https://i-a-c.github.io and select Done
- Now enter a name for this media Source. E.g EXODUS and then click OK
- Go back to your Kodi home screen.
- Once you are on the Home screen, Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser (the gear icon located in the top left corner)
- Here, Select Install from Zip File > EXODUS > repository.exodusredux-x.x.x.zip and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Now Select Install from Repository > Exodus Redux Repo > Video Add-ons > Exodus Redux> Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification. Once you get the notification, you are now done. From here you can go ahead to enjoy the new add-on.